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CDM Sim Racing Championship Updates
There's a lot of updates coming to championships events run under the CDM banner, across iRacing and even Circuit Superstars.
I'm Now Officially A YouTuber!
YouTube is a massive asset to the information and entertainment we receive. If you're anything like me, you spend a lot of your life on it.
Eyeing Up a Full Campaign in the Sunday Drivers Cup for 2021
In November I was invited to take part in the final round of the 2020 Sunday Drivers Cup - a league I've commentated on for most of the...
There's Been A Lot Going On
So, it's been a while (again) since I posted anything on here, which was just before the final race meeting of the 2020 Sports 2000...
Chaz joins Zansho Simsport (and starts racing again!)
...after at least 6 months of no competitive racing I'm finally back in a team in the form of Zansho Simsport!
What's Going On, Chaz?
Wow, it's been really quiet here hasn't it? I want to update you on what I've got going on, coming up, planned etc.
Not Quite A Samba - WGTC Season 7, Rounds 8, 9 & 10
After having a rather mixed bag of results in my first few race meetings, and frustrating mistakes here and there, we went to Interlagos.
First rFactor Fantasy F1 Series Result Unofficial!
Last night was the first round in a series of streams that I'm doing, playing rFactor 2 against AI in a fantasy Formula 1 season.
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